Frequently Asked Questions

Its simple process, just click on Add your pet button, fill form details with your pet profile picture and submit that form, just wait for few hours and your profile is live.
Presently Petsmating charges a very nominal amount of rupee 100 for any profile of your choice, so that we can get you perfect partner for your pet's.
We here at petsmating make clear assurance, that we don’t share your personal details, so that you get any spam mail from any company.
We are working on registration process, till time you don’t get your own profile details, just drop a mail to us at we will make your profile unavailable for everyone.
Till your pet doesn’t get a perfect mating partner, your profile will be available, for your profile to be unavailable just ping us on our mail that is and we will make your profile unavailable
We are really happy and excited that we helped you, just share our link and help your friend to add their pet profile on our site.
Here, at pets mating we are always available for your help, just ping us on whatsapp or mail us we will coordinate with you in 24 working hours. We personally believe in one-to-one coordination so that we can solve all issues on priority basis. Our customers are our priority.
image of pets
image of pets